

A space represents an area or volume bounded actually or theoretically. Spaces are areas or volumes that provide for certain functions within a building.

A space is associated to a building storey (or in case of exterior spaces to a site). A space may span over several connected spaces. Therefore a space group provides for a collection of spaces included in a storey. A space can also be decomposed in parts, where each part defines a partial space. This is defined by the CompositionType attribute of the supertype IfcSpatialStructureElement which is interpreted as follow:

NOTE  View definitions and implementation agreements may restrict spaces with CompositionType=ELEMENT to be non-overlapping.

The IfcSpace is used to build the spatial structure of a building (that serves as the primary project breakdown and is required to be hierarchical). The spatial structure elements are linked together by using the objectified relationship IfcRelAggregates.

Figure 96 shows the IfcSpace as part of the spatial structure. It also serves as the spatial container for space related elements.

NOTE  Detailed requirements on mandatory element containment and placement structure relationships are given in view definitions and implementer agreements.
spatial structure

Figure 96 — Space composition

The following guidelines should apply for using the Name, Description, LongName and ObjectType attributes.

NOTE  In cases of inconsistency between the geometric representation of the IfcSpace and the combined geometric representations of the surrounding IfcRelSpaceBoundary, the geometric representation of the space should take priority over the geometric representation of the surrounding space boundaries.
HISTORY  New entity in IFC1.0

Attribute Use Definition

Figure 97 describes the heights and elevations of the IfcSpace.

space heights

Figure 97 — Space elevations

Plumbing System Design

 Instance diagram


The Identity concept applies to this entity.

Import R R R R R R - R R R
Export R R R R R R - R R R

Object Typing

The Object Typing concept applies to this entity as shown in Table 22.

Table 22 — IfcSpace Object Typing

Import -
Export O O O O O - O O O


The Classification concept applies to this entity as shown in Table 23.
CSIOmniClass13-00 00 00Spaces By Function

Table 23 — IfcSpace Classification

Import - - - R R R R R - R R R
Export R R R R R - R R R

Properties for Occurrences

The Properties for Occurrences concept applies to this entity as shown in Table 24.

Table 24 — IfcSpace Properties for Occurrences

Import -
Export O O O O O - O O O

Quantity Sets

The Quantity Sets concept applies to this entity as shown in Table 25.
Export O O O

Space Boundaries

The Space Boundaries concept applies to this entity.


The Placement concept applies to this entity as shown in Table 26.

Table 26 — IfcSpace Placement

Export R R R

Footprint Geometry

The Footprint Geometry concept applies to this entity as shown in Table 27.

Table 27 — IfcSpace Footprint Geometry

The 2D geometric representation of IfcSpace is defined using the 'Curve2D' or 'GeometricCurveSet' geometry. The following attribute values should be inserted

The following constraints apply to the 2D representation:

Figure 98 shows a two-dimensional bounded curve representing the foot print of IfcSpace.

2d representation

Figure 98 — Space footprint

Export R R R

Body Geometry

The Body Geometry concept applies to this entity as shown in Table 28.

Table 28 — IfcSpace Body Geometry

The standard geometric representation of IfcSpace is defined using the swept area solid geometry. The following attribute values should be inserted

The following constraints apply to the standard representation:

Figure 99 shows an extrusion of an arbitrary profile definition with voids into the swept area solid of IfcSpace.


Figure 99 — Space body swept solid

The advanced geometric representation of IfcSpace is defined using the swept area solid geometry that can be subjected to a Boolean expression. The following attribute values should be inserted.

The following additional constraints apply to the advanced representation:

Figure 100 shows an extrusion of an arbitrary profile definition into the swept area solid. The solid and an half space solid are operands of the Boolean result of IfcSpace.


Figure 100 — Space body clipping

The fallback advanced geometric representation of IfcSpace is defined using the Brep solid geometry. It may be represented as a single or multiple instances of IfcFacetedBrep or IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids. The Brep representation allows for the representation of complex element shape. The following attribute values for the IfcShapeRepresentation holding this geometric representation shall be used:

NOTE  In cases of inconsistency between the geometric representation of the IfcSpace and the combined geometric representations of the surrounding IfcRelSpaceBoundary, the geometric representation of the space should take priority over the geometric representation of the surrounding space boundaries.
Export R R R

XSD Specification:

 <xs:element name="IfcSpace" type="ifc:IfcSpace" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElement" nillable="true"/>
 <xs:complexType name="IfcSpace">
   <xs:extension base="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElement"/>

EXPRESS Specification:

SUBTYPE OF (IfcSpatialStructureElement);
PredefinedType : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
ElevationWithFlooring : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
BoundedBy : SET OF IfcRelSpaceBoundary FOR RelatingSpace;
CorrectPredefinedType : NOT(EXISTS(PredefinedType)) OR (PredefinedType <> IfcSpaceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED) OR ((PredefinedType = IfcSpaceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED) AND EXISTS (SELF\IfcObject.ObjectType));
CorrectTypeAssigned : (SIZEOF(IsTypedBy) = 0) OR ('IFCPRODUCTEXTENSION.IFCSPACETYPE' IN TYPEOF(SELF\IfcObject.IsTypedBy[1].RelatingType));

Attribute Definitions:

PredefinedType : Predefined generic types for a space that are specified in an enumeration. There might be property sets defined specifically for each predefined type.
NOTE  Previous use had been to indicates whether the IfcSpace is an interior space by value INTERNAL, or an exterior space by value EXTERNAL. This use is now deprecated, the property 'IsExternal' at 'Pset_SpaceCommon' should be used instead.
IFC4 CHANGE  The attribute has been renamed from ExteriorOrInteriorSpace with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
ElevationWithFlooring : Level of flooring of this space; the average shall be taken, if the space ground surface is sloping or if there are level differences within this space.
BoundedBy : Reference to a set of IfcRelSpaceBoundary's that defines the physical or virtual delimitation of that space against physical or virtual boundaries.

Formal Propositions:

CorrectPredefinedType : Either the PredefinedType attribute is unset (e.g. because an IfcSpaceType is associated), or the inherited attribute ObjectType shall be provided, if the PredefinedType is set to USERDEFINED.
CorrectTypeAssigned : Either there is no space type object associated, i.e. the IsTypedBy inverse relationship is not provided, or the associated type object has to be of type IfcSpaceType.

Inheritance Graph:

GlobalId : IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory : OPTIONAL IfcOwnerHistory;
Name : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition
HasAssignments : SET OF IfcRelAssigns FOR RelatedObjects;
Nests : SET [0:1] OF IfcRelNests FOR RelatedObjects;
IsNestedBy : SET OF IfcRelNests FOR RelatingObject;
HasContext : SET [0:1] OF IfcRelDeclares FOR RelatedDefinitions;
IsDecomposedBy : SET OF IfcRelAggregates FOR RelatingObject;
Decomposes : SET [0:1] OF IfcRelAggregates FOR RelatedObjects;
HasAssociations : SET OF IfcRelAssociates FOR RelatedObjects;
ENTITY IfcObject
ObjectType : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
IsDeclaredBy : SET [0:1] OF IfcRelDefinesByObject FOR RelatedObjects;
Declares : SET OF IfcRelDefinesByObject FOR RelatingObject;
IsTypedBy : SET [0:1] OF IfcRelDefinesByType FOR RelatedObjects;
IsDefinedBy : SET OF IfcRelDefinesByProperties FOR RelatedObjects;
ENTITY IfcProduct
ObjectPlacement : OPTIONAL IfcObjectPlacement;
Representation : OPTIONAL IfcProductRepresentation;
ReferencedBy : SET OF IfcRelAssignsToProduct FOR RelatingProduct;
ENTITY IfcSpatialElement
LongName : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
ContainsElements : SET OF IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure FOR RelatingStructure;
ENTITY IfcSpatialStructureElement
CompositionType : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
PredefinedType : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
ElevationWithFlooring : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
BoundedBy : SET OF IfcRelSpaceBoundary FOR RelatingSpace;

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